What Can I Do?
We’ve covered a lot of ground so far. Depending on where you are in the annexation journey, we have 4 ways to make change.
#1: MOST IMPORTANTLY: Email Your South Carolina State Representative and South Carolina State Senator!
Below, we’ve provided a link to look up your state legislators. Please look them up and click on the next box to email your representative and senator to let them know you are looking for annexation reform,
#2: Please Sign Our Petition on Change.org!
#3: Work with Local Officials
Write to your mayor, city council, and county council.
Fill the city council meeting with like-minded neighbors, involve the media.
Find out more about the pending development including proposed density, and who is providing the utilities.
Ask about environmental impact, traffic studies, schools, and planned necessary infrastructure and who is paying for it.
Look up existing ordinances and contact all planning/zoning committee members.
What is the density allowed, are there tree ordinances, is clear cutting allowed?
What are the current stormwater ordinances? What is the city’s current budget allocation for stormwater? In Easley, it’s $50,000 which is woefully inadequate for the issues new development creates.
Write to the utility companies and meet with them personally to discuss impact to the area. Ask them who is paying for what infrastructure. Sometimes the developer pays for the infrastructure and deeds it to the local utility. Density follows the sewer line. Find out where sewers are located and where they are proposed to go. Did the city municipality receive ARPA funds or grants?
Is the proposed development on a city, county, or state road? What did SCDOT say? Is a traffic study needed?
Look up your county and city comprehensive plans. See how this development aligns with the long-range plans for growth. These need to be updated every ten years. Check when this was last done. Should annexation be tabled until these long-term plans are completed/revised?
If you want to take the torches and pitchfork approach, see signs below.

"Local citizen signs on Sheriff Mill Road"
#4: Finally, work with local leaders, citizens, county and city councils to strengthen local ordinances or find alternative solutions.
In working with other non-profits and local leaders, here are some suggestions we like. If you also like these, we propose working with county and city officials to get these introduced.
EXAMPLE: Ridgeville/Givhans Growth Management Plan: This plan was put together by Dorchester County. In order for this example to be successful, the city and county should enter into an IGA (Intergovernmental Agreement).
EXAMPLE: Beaufort County Forest and Tree preservation ordinances. Beaufort has a forest preservation ordinance, which protects stands of trees and offers the most wildlife habitat and stormwater benefits. This example would need to be tailored to best suit the local community. It’s a good starting point.
RESOURCE: Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities is a packet of tools to help balance new growth with existing communities and natural resources. There are lots of really great concepts and examples of how other communities have successfully utilized these measures.
REFERENCE: The attached a “Fiscal Impact Analysis” conducted by Clemson University for Jasper County, Hardeeville, and Ridgeland outlines the cost of new development vs. the revenue it brings in. The example here is to showcase the concept – it is extremely helpful, and can be helpful in the long run to consider similar studies for your area.
RESOURCE: South Carolina passed the “South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994.” https://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t06c029.php Any annexations or growth should be in accordance with long range plans like the comprehensive plan.
RESOURCE: Conservation is arguably the only way to truly permanently conserve private property. By working with willing and enthusiastic landowners to establish a conservation easement one can ensure limits on future development and preservation of agricultural zones. Accredited land trusts like Upstate Forever, Coastal Conservation League, https://www.coastalconservationleague.org/ and Naturaland Trust can work directly with willing landowners to ensure their property can continue to be utilized as it has been historically (farming, timbering, hunting, rural living, etc.).
RESOURCE: Preserve Gowensville https://preservegowensvillesc.org/ is looking to preserve the rural landscape of Gowansville through community collaboration to create a voluntary zoning area that limits density and promotes agriculture.
RESOURCE: Create a Facebook group. Community Alliance for Sustainable Development https://www.facebook.com/groups/lenhardtcommunitysc and Horry County Residents for Responsible Building https://www.facebook.com/groups/1469310180489409 created these groups to keep members informed and engaged.